What is FUP?
Fair Usage Policy or FUP is practiced by ISPs worldwide whereby it allows ISPs to restrict or throttle Internet Speeds on unlimited plans so as to prevent misuse or excessive use of bandwidth provided. FUP is implemented with the intent of protecting the ISPs’ ability to provide quality internet services to all of their customers and to ensure no customers are disadvantaged by the behavior of others.
Providing unlimited Internet service increases the risk of few customers abusing service and using most of the ISP’s bandwidth which makes it difficult for ISPs to maintain quality for other customers who have moderate usage and are paying an equal amount of money. In order to prevent this ISP throttle or restrict speeds of customers who have excessive usage so as to maintain fair usage amongst all of its customers.
How does a user fall under FUP?
Fair Usage Policy in Classic Tech is conventionally used for proper welfare and benefits for customers. Typically, FUP is used under those circumstances where few customers, using heavy data and fill up available bandwidth and making the overall experience inappropriate for other users on the same network while browsing, downloading, and gaming. Classic Tech ensures to provide the best quality internet service to our customers, where the security and privacy of our customers are protected
What happens when a user is under the influence of FUP?
If a user is under influence of FUP it is certain that the user will experience slow internet connection/slow browsing or let’s say subscribed bandwidth will be throttled as per the ISP’s rules and policy.
What factors cause the FUP? How to avoid FUP?
Classic-Tech all unlimited share plans are subjected to FUP. Most of the cases that cause FUP for a subscriber having a “Home Plan” can be:
If a user is using a “Home Plan” service for official use (for example Hostel, Cyber & Official work). Supposedly, in official use, most of the files that are downloaded and uploaded are popularized as heavy files where the use of internet bandwidth will be automatically restricted after filling up available bandwidth.
If a customer using “Home Plan” has an unusual or heavy download.
If a customer having “Home Plan” has shared a secondary link with multiple users consuming high data.
Viruses and Malicious can easily hijack devices to send and receive data without even knowing.
Subscribing to an appropriate internet plan is the best way to avoid FUP restrictions. A user can avoid FUP by keeping track of Download and Upload speed regularly. Also taking control over massive download and sharing.
How FUP works in Classic Tech?
In Classic Tech we have a Classic FUP system, which monitors our user’s behavior, when a user exceeds the monthly data threshold, Zone will be tagged automatically and on the basis of ZONE tagged, our system automatically restricts those abusers and keeps the overall experience balanced for normal users.
How does the ZONE system work in Classic Tech?
The Classic Tech system automatically checks on a user’s data usage and triggers the FUP zone if a user crosses the daily download limit. ZONES are categorized into three different types 1. YELLOW Zone 2. RED Zone & 3. BLACK Zone.
How does each zone work and what happens if a user is tagged by each zone?
As we know, zones are triggered automatically and three zones of speed throttling are done depending on the client’s usage within a monthly billing cycle.
YELLOW Zone: Fair Usage Quota threshold the client’s speed will be throttled up to 50%; they will be notified via SMS/EMAIL/Notification in mobile apps.
RED Zone: Fair Usage Quota threshold the client’s speed will be throttled up to 25%; they will be notified via SMS/EMAIL/Notification in mobile apps.
BLACK Zone: Fair Usage Quota threshold the client’s speed will be throttled to 10% or 5 Mbps; they will be notified via SMS/EMAIL/Notification in mobile apps.
If a customer has crossed the FUP Quota threshold, their data usage counter will reset at the first of every monthly billing cycle and their Internet will return back to its original speed.
How to restart and remove FUP?
The replenishment sequence of the Data Allowance is based upon 30 days (month). At the start of the next monthly billing cycle, the customer’s subscribed speed & data transfer limit is automatically being restored as per the plan subscribed.
Other than this customers can also consider upgrading their plan so as to get higher Fair Usage Quotas or subscribe to our Enterprise/SOHO (Small Office and Home Office) plans which have no Fair Usage Quota.